E-Learning Days

We have developed our CCS e-Learning program to assist you as parents, and to help us maintain our academic standards. Below is the rationale for e-Learning and a few answers to questions you may have about how the e-Learning days will work for you and your child.

As always, we welcome questions and appreciate any feedback you may have to offer.

Why did CCS adopt e-Learning?

CCS chose to adopt e-Learning days in order to more efficiently address school closure due to inclement weather, catastrophe, or other planned or unplanned events. Historically, missed school days were added on to the end of the school year, though their academic impact has appeared to be somewhat negligible. We believe that through implementing e-Learning, we can provide more timely and meaningful academic work for students, and therefor improve academic outcomes.

What is an e-Learning day?

An e-Learning day can be used as a "make-up" day caused by inclement weather or other days of planned absence. Students will have five (5) days to complete assignments from an e-Learning day.

How will my student receive e-Learning assignments?

  • Grades Pre-K through 4th - All information regarding assignments and office hours will be emailed directly to you with the e-Learning assignments attached.

  • Grades 5th through 8th - E-Learning assignments will be available on Google Classroom by 9:00 a.m. the day of closure.

  • Students may also be provided physical "packets" of work, which are based on the teacher's assignments, to be completed at home.

  • Some assignments may contain a combination of paper/pencil and online work. All assignments and instructions will be clearly detailed.

What if we do not have internet access at our home?

  • If you do not have internet access (for any reason, power or otherwise), students will be expected to obtain their assignments from their teacher(s) when they return to school.

  • There are also other options for those who experience internet issues. Morrison Reeves Library (as well as many local eateries and businesses) has free internet available to the public (provided there is not an outage).

  • You may also plan to stay with your child after school hours on the first day we return to school in order to complete any necessary work.

What is Google Classroom?

The students' Google Classroom accounts are the same ones they use daily at school.

What is the assignment completion window?

Google Classroom and email assignments will be due five (5) days after their initial posting. Paper assignments will be due five (5) days after they are received by the student.

How will attendance be taken on e-Learning days?

All students will be counted present during e-Learning days. If a student fails to complete an assignment within the completion window, the CCS office will be notified and the student will be retroactively considered absent.

What if I don't know what to do to help my student?

Teachers will maintain "office hours" between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on e-Learning days. During these hours, teachers may be contacted via email or through Google Classroom (student account) for additional direction or clarification. Teachers understand that you may have questions, and will be sensitive to your needs. Typically, you may expect a response from a teacher within the office hours (10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.). If you submit an email and do not receive a timely response, please consider contacting the teacher again.