Cherokee: Du-nin-di

Syllabary: ᏚᏂᏂᏗ

DLC Objective:  Teachers will demonstrate leadership in accelerating their integration of digital teaching and learning pedagogies.  DLC Self Reflection

Cherokee Middle & High School 

Borrowed Ideas Activity

Learning Walks
CHS/CMS 321 & positive note
Borrowed Ideas
Learning Walks October

Cherokee Elementary 

Borrowed Ideas Activity

Ideas Borrowed

You will arrange a time to drop into your peer's classroom to borrow some ideas! 

You have the option of completing the 3-2-1 activity by hand or digitally.  If you choose to complete it digitally, click here.

After your visit, please complete the form below.

You have until October 31st to complete your visit. 

After you complete your visit, please fill in this form to receive CEU credit for the October Session.