Access to Classes and Student Usernames

Student Access is via the same URL as Teachers found here: 

Students then enter their specific username and password, see the tutorial below on how to find them.  It is not Gmail associated for security purposes.

Here is the PowerPoint to help you see the student experience:  Student Experience Powerpoint 

Student Username&Password.mp4

Student Username & Passwords

Find your student username an passwords as well as a pdf to print

Schoolnet Request Section.mp4

Access to Another Class/Section

Directions on how to request access to another class to see data or to create assessments for groups

Types of Assessments to Schedule

Schoolnet Premade Assessment.mp4

Premade Assessments

District Assessments you can simply choose and schedule

Schoolnet Express Test.mp4

Express Assessments

Create->Express by selecting standards and the number of items and schoolnet will pick them for you.

Manual Schoolnet Assessment.mp4

Manually Choose Items

Create->Manually select standards, items and option to adjust questions

Schoolnet Youtube Playlist of How to's by DPI

Cherokee Central Schools Schoolnet Training Folder with How to PDFs