Faculty Area

  • Service objects: School's faculty (including official@email and personal@mail), unit mailbox, business or temporary mailbox, retired faculty

  • The new system will help transfer the old mail information of IMAP and Webmail users (objects include: faculty, unit mailboxes, temporary or business mailboxes, excluding students)

  • Login to the new mail system: http://ncku.edu.tw

    • Old mails will be successively converted to the new system. If there are no old mails after login, please wait patiently for a few days.

    • If you still need to browse the old mails, please connect to the old system as follows.

    • The old mail system only provides browsing old mails and unable to send and receive new mails. Please use the new mail system to send and receive new mails.

Those who originally used a personal mailbox (custom account@mail.ncku.edu.tw):

  • Account entry: custom account (No need @mail.ncku.edu.tw)

  • The password is same as original personal mailbox.

  • Email address: custom account@ncku.edu.tw

  • URL of old personal mail system: http://oldmail.ncku.edu.tw

Those who originally used an official mailbox (z + employee ID@email.ncku.edu.tw):

  • Account entry: z + employee ID (No need @email.ncku.edu.tw)

  • The password is same as original official mailbox (The default is same as the Cheng Kung portal password).

  • Email address: z + employee ID@ncku.edu.tw

  • URL of old official mail system: http://oldemail.ncku.edu.tw