May 14, 2024

Seadog Families,

Let’s celebrate the following Superior Seadog Students of the Week: Ziah Jones, Daniel Rapp, Emma Strickland, Lucille Stevenson, Jazzy Cahoon, and Wesley Mayo. Great Job Students!

This week our school community will be focusing on the character strength of Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence. Appreciation of beauty and excellence means you notice and value the world’s beauty and people’s skills. You don’t take things for granted.

We want to thank all of our Volunteers and PTO for taking care of us this school year. Each of you have played an integral role in the success of our school year. We thoroughly enjoyed Teacher Appreciation Week. Thank you to all who provided gifts, lunch, and special items during the week The PTO and community sponsors made each and every one of us feel special. With that being said,  we are inviting all volunteers to attend a special volunteer breakfast at our school this Thursday, May 16th. Some of our students have been waiting to share their appreciation for each of you. This event will begin at 9:00 a.m. in the Media Center. 

As we are getting closer to the end of the year. Please make sure you have retrieved your items at lost and found. All items will be donated or discarded on the last day of school. Also, please remember that all school library and cafeteria accounts need to be returned and paid off. We would like to go into the summer with no items or money owed.


Attention to all 5th grade students who are interested in being a part of the Beaufort Middle Band, there is a band night that will be held in our school cafeteria Wednesday, May 15th from 5-7. I hope you can join the BMS Band Director and Music Companies that evening. 

Field Days will be on June 4 and June 5. If you are interested in volunteering to help on one or both of the Field Days, please click here  to fill out a quick form. You can also email Mrs. Rose or Mr. Sherman at or 

I hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend and as we gear into the last quarter of school we aren’t counting down the days but making every day count.

Thank you for your continued support! And remember, Seadog Students, if no one has told you today, know that Mrs. Clemmons deeply cares about you.

Upcoming Dates: 

May 16- Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast 9:00 AM

May 15- BMS Band Interest Meeting in the Cafeteria from 5:00-7:00

May 21- Final P2/ EOG Pep Rally

May 23- Highway 55 Spirit Night

May 24- EOG Science 

May 27- No School, Happy Memorial Day

May 29- Reading EOG

May 30- Math EOG 

May 31- Make-ups

June 4- Kindergarten EOY Family Celebration and K-2 Field Day

June 5- Field Day 3-5, Pre-K EOY Celebration

June 6- 5th Grade EOY Celebration Ceremony and Party

June 7- Last Day of School Early Release at Noon

Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence

This week, our school community will focus on the character strength of Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence. Appreciation of beauty and excellence means you notice and value the world’s beauty and people’s skills. You don’t take things for granted.

Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence is the ability to identify and enjoy that which is admirable in the world. There are three types of goodness in which positive psychology focuses: physical beauty (e.g., a sunset, a song, or a building); an exceptional skill or talent; and moral goodness (e.g., a character strength). Appreciation of beauty can generate awe; appreciation of a skill can generate admiration; and appreciation of moral goodness can generate moral elevation. All of these feelings (awe, admiration, and moral elevation) help us forget ourselves and find increased joy and meaning in the world. 

Appreciating excellence and beauty helps individuals experience positive emotions and connect to the world around them. It’s an outward-facing strength, meaning the individual is focused on the world outside their head. Not only is the individual outwardly focused, but they are often deeply absorbed in a sense of awe or admiration, freeing them to forget anxieties and troubles. It is associated with other strengths, such as gratitude, curiosity, love of learning, and purpose.

To practice and encourage the character strength of Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families, where together you will watch a video, read a quote and talk about the answers to three questions.