October 3, 2023

Seadog Families,

Let’s celebrate the following Superior Seadog Students of the Week, Tom Lejeune, Kyrie Oden-Williams,  Elvin Jones, Isabelle Anglin,  Haylee McCall, and Nathan Frisbee. Great Work Seadogs!

This week we will focus on Curiosity. Individuals with this strength might be described as Interested, Inquiring, Investigative, Exploratory, Probing, and Adventurous. For more information take a look at our parent letter on the back of this document. 

Parents, you are more than welcome to visit for lunch this week. Thank you for giving us time to establish routines in the cafeteria. Please remember that you will need to only sit with your student.

Lastly, I kindly request your support in our school's fundraising efforts. The candyman orders are due this Friday, October 6th. 

Upcoming dates to remember:

- Visitors Lunch: Starting October 2nd

- Tuesday, October 3rd- National Night Out @ BES 6:00- Town of Beaufort Hosted Event

- Friday, October 6th- Fourth Grade Field Trip/Candyman Orders Due

- Monday, October 9th- Teacher Workday- No School for Students

- Tuesday, October 10th- PreK Workday

- Friday, October 13th - Fall Picture Day

- Monday, October 16th- Friday October 20th- Book Fair Week

-Tuesday, October 17th- Curriculum and Book Fair Night

Thank you for your continued support! And remember, Seadog Students, if no one has told you today, know that Mrs. Clemmons deeply cares about you.


This week our school community will be focusing on the character strength of Curiosity. Curiosity means you like exploration and discovery. You ask lots of questions because you want to learn more about anything and everything.

Curiosity is a crucial component of one’s character. Our innate urge for discovery and exploration is a key element of our human desire for wisdom and knowledge. It’s what keeps us intrigued in the plotlines of movies and books. It’s what pushes us to try new activities or travel to different places. All individuals experience curiosity but differ in their willingness to experience it -- behaviorally, intellectually, and emotionally.

Individuals with the character strength of curiosity are more likely to ask questions and try new things. Curiosity, then, is a form of courage. Asking questions exposes the fact that we don’t know and trying a new activity means we might fail. But, it’s only through asking questions and exploring new opportunities that we learn and grow. 

To practice and encourage the character strength of curiosity with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families (password: P2) where together you will watch a video, read a quote and talk about the answers to three questions.