January 17, 2024

Seadog Families,

We have had a wonderful start to the second semester! Weather and temperatures seem to be cooler than normal so please remember to dress accordingly and have on a warm coat for recess this week.

Let’s celebrate the following Superior Seadog Students of the Week: Willow Gilbert, Alarik Weygoldt, John Brown, Banks Goodwin, Hannah Donnelly, and Emrys Hall

Our P2 Word of the Week is Perseverance. Martin Luther King Jr. Quote on Perseverance is “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” I look forward to seeing all of our Seadogs persevere this grading period.  

Report Cards will go home on Wednesday, Jan. 17th. Middle of the Year assessments will also begin soon. Please stay informed regarding your student’s progress. 

Upcoming Dates: 

1/15- MLK Jr. Holiday No School

1/17- 4th Grade NC Symphony Concert- Dress to Impress for 4th Grade Students

1/19- Mary Poppins Field Trip 3rd Grade 

1/22 and 1/23 Drug Education Class for 5th Grade

1/24- Parent Advisory Council Meeting 5:00 Media Center

Thank you for your continued support! And remember, Seadog Students, if no one has told you today, know that Mrs. Clemmons deeply cares about you.


This week, our school community will be focusing on the character strength of Perseverance. Perseverance means you complete what you start despite obstacles. You never give up.

The concept of perseverance can most often be found in one’s active pursuit of overcoming obstacles. Perseverance is a uniquely human characteristic that identifies an individual’s ability to spend long periods of time devoted to a single goal or set of goals. People demonstrating high levels of perseverance can handle significant, sometimes repeated, setbacks in pursuit of goals.

Those who persevere through setbacks often reap the benefits of the success gained by refusing to give up. Sometimes, this comes with the added benefit of increased knowledge and skill as a result of the work needed to achieve. A single group member’s ability or willingness to persevere can substantially impact those working with them and the team. Groups that show high levels of perseverance can achieve goals they may not have believed possible.

To practice and encourage the character strength of perseverance with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families (password: P2), where together you will watch a video, read a quote, and talk about the answers to three questions.