Module 4 Effective Behavior-Behavior Contracts

Behavior Contracts 

Developing a behavior contract with a child does not mean he or she is a BAD child, they may just make some not so good choices at times. We need to support every student both academically, emotionally, and behaviorally. 

Researching Resources

After watching the above video and reading the article, hopefully you have a better understanding of behavior contracts and when to use them. You will know research and find a behavior contract template that you like. Please click on the image to the right and add your resource to a blank slide. We would love to create a wide collection that teachers could pull from and use, thank you!

PBIS is a great resource to use if you want more information on Positive Behavior Supports. If you click on the PBIS image below, you will see the cheat sheet for the Why, When, and How of a behavior contract. This would be a great page to bookmark as a resource.