Module 4 Building Relationships

Relationships are the foundation from which everything rest upon. 

We have to build strong relationships with our students. If we show them how much we truly care, students will surprise us with all they can and will do. 

Reflect on the following two quotes below. As you read through this module, think of new ways you can build connections with all your students, not just the easy ones. 

The Power of Relationships

Jamboard Video Response

Flipgrid Assignment- You will read the following two articles, pick one activity that resonates with you that you will use in your classroom. Record your student reactions, your reaction, and share your thoughts on the activity by clicking on the Flipgrid image below. Have fun! Build those relationships! 

We should all strive to be like Mr. Jensen. 

We watched this video during 2020 preplanning, however it is an excellent video to revisit when we are discussing relationships. One instance can change everything for a child. We always need to remember our impacts.  After you finish watching the video, record your response on the padlet, thank you!