HS Writing

 Best Practices

Best Practices in Writing.pdf

Teaching Tolerance is “a place where educators who care about diversity, equity and justice can find great ideas. It is filled with well-crafted commentary about teaching social justice, resources for teachers, and inspiration to fight the good fight.  

2. Goodreads  

With the slogan “Meet your next favorite book,” Goodreads is a bit of technological wonder for readers. Organize shelves of books you have read, and rate them for your friends to check out. Write reviews, share favorite quotes or my favorite: have the site generate recommendations for you based on things you have liked in the past. Great place to send kids in need of a good book.

3. Turnitin  

So much more than just a place to catch cheaters, although it is very good at that. When students submit papers via Turnitin, those papers are tested against the internet as well as peer submissions past and present. Beyond that, it offers all sorts of revision tools to help improve student writing.

Whether your students need clarification on grammar, style or proper citations, this site can help. With printable and online practice and teacher resources, the OWL does an admirable job of fulfilling its goal of assisting students “in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level.”

Handouts for virtually every writing issue your students could come across. Videos too! This site offers easily accessible lists for when a student struggles with a particular skill.  Just pull up this page and click away.

6. NoRedInk  

Let’s be honest: None of us really loves teaching grammar. In most classrooms, there are huge differences in what students have already mastered and what they still need to learn. Enter NoRedInk. Here students get individualized instruction and practice with very little time and effort from teachers. The site does all the hard work for you.

7. Kahoot  

Using Kahoot, it is simple to “create, play and share fun learning games for any subject, for all ages, for free!” You make up questions, or find a game that already exists, and students answer using their cellphones. With leaderboards and podium finishes, students are totally engaged in what used to be boring reviews.

This site is for teaching students how to write and revise. Using an iPad,  you can narrate over and annotate a piece of sample writing, explaining the revision process. For better understanding of how this one works, click here.  

9. Blogger 

“Publish your passions, your way.” Blogger can be used for both class and personal blogs. Easy to set up. Easy to post. It allows you to create a place where you can disseminate content to students, engage them in conversation outside of class hours and supplement classroom instruction.

Remarkable animation to support witty and insightful overviews, these videos are a great asset in the classroom.  

This makes the list of best websites for English teachers for its collection of great visual content. Use it to find film, animation, photographs, and picture books that add to literary themes.

This website is focused on teaching English as a foreign language, but the free exercises, tests, vocab, and more could be useful in any classroom.