CCSS Professional Learning Site

Carroll County Schools  provides high quality professional learning opportunities, customized support, and services that are designed to promote the system’s vision, mission, and goals by enhancing employee performance and developing employee capacity to lead in a system of premier schools. We are committed to the development, support, and implementation of professional learning that is research-based, evidence-based, data driven, student-focused, and sustainable over time.  

Carroll County Schools offers a variety of self-directed learning options to ensure that all employees will have opportunities to increase knowledge, improve performance, and enhance professional satisfaction. 

Each school year, teachers will create a self-directed learning goal to guide their professional growth. Once approved by the school administration, a SMART goal must be entered into the TKES platform. It will be revisited by the school administrator during the Mid-year and Summative Conferences to determine individual teachers' instructional progress. The following self-directed learning options are available to teachers in Carroll County:

Option I: Carroll County teachers will complete the District STEM Modules during year 2 of employment.

Option II: Enrollment in Continuing Education/Endorsements (enrollment details must be provided to school administration-form linked below).

Option III: Participate in Targeted Professional Learning