January 2024

Aida Varghese


 I've been part of the Gate program here since fourth grade, so about seven years

In school, I am involved with NHS 

My favorite class is probably art or math right now, because art is a nice creative outlet, and it's really fun to focus on drawing or painting. I also like math because it's very engaging, and I can easily understand the material.

I don't really have a single person who inspires me, but I am inspired by anyone who follows their dreams despite obstacles.

The GATE program has provided me with opportunities to use that also align with my interests, like writing and reading.

If I were ever stranded on a desert island, I would probably choose my parents to be with me, because between the two of them, I would probably survive and live relatively comfortably, because they can cook and build things to help live in the wild.

For the younger students in GATE, I would probably tell them to choose things that interest them and do activities that fit with their interests. That way, they are doing something productive with their interests while still having fun.

Mateo Carrasco


I have been a part of the GATE program since 1st grade.

I am involved in soccer, football, bowling, track, concert band, spring musical, Student government, and National Honors Society in school. Outside of school I have been playing club soccer for about 8 years. 

My favorite class this year is Pre-Algebra, but I could easily say band class because of how rewarding it is to create music.

My biggest inspirations have been my friends from elementary school for sticking with me and teaching me loyalty, my friends from my youth group for helping me get over myself and live happily, my parents for being the hardest workers and selfish caretakers ever, and Drake for being so amazing.

The GATE program has provided me with so many creative opportunities -- the battery car race, invention convention, etc. -- which not every student receives. That has helped me remember the importance of creativity and questioning.

I would bring my friends Connor Hart and Hayden Wertz. We would not be taking anything seriously, which is an advantage in my eyes: it takes too much energy to stress about things, and I don't have energy to waste. We would get stuff done, though. We would feel great about our accomplishments, and live our 3 last days of life with the utmost joy, grace, and positivity. 

Make sure you stick with the program and apply yourself in as many extracurricular activities as you can. They are 100x more helpful than JUST going to school.