Member Spotlight

Aaron Heffner


How long have you been in the program

6 or 7 years, I think

Are you involved in any extracurricular activities inside/outside of school?

Yes, marching band and cheerleading

What is your favorite class/teacher?

3.) Spanish with Mrs. Rusinko

Who has inspired you the most?

Cate Hites

How has the GATE program helped you?

 I made a few friends

If you were stranded on a desert island, and got to choose 2 people to be with you, who would they be and why?

Bear Grylls and an engineer to survive and escape.

What advice do you have for the younger students in the GATE program?

 Do as much as you can while the opportunities are available.

Angelika Pyvovar


I have been part of the GATE program since 5th grade so it will soon be 5 years that I have been involved. 

I am involved in Student Government, National Honor Society, I am a teacher assistant at a Ukrainian school, I do pierogies at my church every Thursday, I do Kumon, and I am involved in my church's youth group. 

My favorite class is Math because I have loved it all my life. It is what I excel in and I find numbers much more interesting than words. My favorite teacher is Mr. Kozy because there has not been a day where I have not had fun in Math class. He brings in fun and excitement into class and Math class is genuinely one of the best parts of my day. 

The person that has inspired me the most is my mother because I look up to her a lot. She is a very hardworking and selfless woman that never fails to bring a smile to my face. She has gone through so much in life and I greatly admire her. She has inspired me to work hard and be the best person that I can be. I love her so much and am very grateful for having her in my life daily. 

The GATE program has exposed me to so many great opportunities that have helped me understand myself and my future better. I love going on field trips because of how educational and fun they are. GATE is in general a very special and prestigious program that has helped me a lot and I greatly appreciate the fact that I am a part of it. 

I would choose Napoleon Bonaparte and him only. Napoleon got exiled to an island and his loyal followers came and rescued him so I believe I have the best chance of survival with Napoleon. Also that man is very skilled and knows a lot more about nature than I do so I would not worry about having to starve or be dehydrated. 

The only advice I would give is to work hard and give your best effort. You have to keep studying and trying because in your life currently, one of your most important priorities is to maintain good grades and excel in school. Be active in extracurriculars and most importantly, stay motivated.