Grade 8

Ms. Chafetz (Hybrid) Curriculum Mrs. Turano (8)

Canton Middle School is affiliated with the Teacher's College Reading and Writing Project. Therefore, our philosophy of teaching revolves around three main components: 1) All students will produce a high volume of reading and writing in the classes, allowing them to have daily practice deepening their skills; 2) Students will have a wide variety of choice in their curriculum often including what they read, how they're assessed, and what topics they explore; and 3) Teachers will utilize individual and small-group conferencing as a way to personal their instruction for every student.


Students may be enrolled in either English 8 or English 8 Honors. The distinction between these two courses is the level of independence of the learners, and the pace at which the curriculum moves.

Students in English 8 or 8 Honors will be on either Team 8 or Team Hybrid.

Units of Study:

Reading: Textual Lineage, Deep Study of Character, Dystopian Book Clubs, Historical Fiction

Writing: Investigative Journalism, Literary Essay, Memoir Writing


Students in 8th grade may also choose to take one or more of our 30-day experiential courses. This year we are offering both Drama and Creative Writing taught by Ms. Foster


October 2019: Welcome to 8th Grade English! Students are completing our new unit, Literary Nonfiction. Students have been reading amazing stories of survival, biographies / autobiographies, memoirs, and the amazing stories of the TRUE. They have been learning about the social issues, central ideas, and themes and will apply that knowledge by creating an infographic that encompasses that information.


March 2019: It's the annual 8th Grade Greek Banquet! After studying Greek gods, mythology, and general way of life, 8th graders celebrated with a festival of Greek culture! From obstacle courses, to grand meals, to speeches made by the gods themselves - these students were able to enjoy their learning in a meaningful and exciting way!

October 2018: Mrs. Turano getting excited about her students' love of their mentor text, Jewell Parker Rhodes' Ghost Boys.

February 2019: Get ready, 8th graders! It's time to explore the world of ancient Greek mythology! Ms. Chafetz and Mrs. Turano will be your guides throughout this mini-unit of myths!

September 2018: Welcome to 8th grade English! Students are finishing their units on Textual Lineage, and are about to start a unit about the Deep Study of Characters in literature. They'll be reading Ghost Boys as a mentor text before beginning to explore Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird.


Greek Banquet!

8th Graders recently celebrated their knowledge of the cultures, customs, and mythology of Greek mythology through a tradition of costume parades, student-prepared speeches, and the ultimate tests of knowledge. They were rewarded for their efforts with a Greek Banquet in the middle school cafeteria. Thanks go to Mrs. Chafetz and Mrs. Turano for organizing and preparing their students!

Students working on their dystopian final projects!

What's happening now?

All students should be settling into a habit of reading for at least 20 minutes every night!

Teachers preparing for upcoming units!