Canjo Reads:
School-wide Reading Challenge

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Speech and Ideas for Challenges

Students, teachers, and staff of Canjo Schools, welcome to our "Canjo Reads" school-wide reading challenge!

Reading can transform your life, help us develop empathy and understanding. It sparks our creativity and fuels our curiosity. With each book you read, you're not just flipping pages - you're building connections. Connections between yourselves and the characters, connections to new ideas, and connections to each other. Our goal with the "World of Words" reading challenge is to build a stronger, more united school community. We want to see students, teachers, and staff members challenge themselves to read more books, discuss interesting vocabulary words, favorite stories, and create a culture of learning that extends beyond the classroom.

Our challenges for Canjo Reads include:

Are you ready to rise to the challenge and show the world what we can accomplish when Canjo Reads? Let's do it!

Creations to Show You Did the Challenges:

For each of these challenges, students and staff can use various forms of creations to demonstrate their participation and progress: