Building Instructions

BricQ Motion Kit

LEGO eductation bricQ motion prime instructions booklet.pdf

Curriculum Alignment

LEGO Motion Kits
Spike Prime and BricQ

10/2 - 10/13 Weekly Lesson Plans

Reflection on kit capabilities, student reviews

Re: Criteria for success

We did 4,3,2,1 mastery assessment by students and all showed at least 2.5, and most displayed 3 or 4 fingers for confidence in learning a new tool. Screencastify and Docs users all showed improved confidence and mastery of either tool, but it was not 4s for all - that was expected since that tool was not the main focus or target of the lesson.

Result of Evaluation by Students

Students determined that the book was more helpful than the lesson plans because the lesson plans “only show the end of the process” “does not show the steps” “names the bricks, but that’s not helpful because you would have to take more time to look back and forth at the brick guide to build with the instructions”.


LEGO in Motion

This short video shows a student from the class of 2027 operating a tricycle style propeller as modeled in the book of starting ideas.

Flat Pack Lego Instructions Abridged for CMS Lib