SmartMicroScope 5M

Downloads Page

5. Double-click on the .zip file that just showed up in the downloads bar at the bottom of your Chrome browser screen

6. Click on the folder named after the zip file "SmartMicroScope5M Viewer"

7. Then, Click on the folder icon near the top left of the file-explorer window you are in that says next to it "Extract all"

8. The following window will appear

9. Click on the button that says "Extract"

10. Double-click to open the folder that is now in your downloads

11. Double-click on folder that says "App" 

12. Double-click on "SmartMicroScope5M Viewer" (You can tell you've gotten to the right place because this time it has an icon next to it that looks like an application icon, instead of a folder - see below:)

It is at this point that the computer asked for Administrative Password to install the software on the computer...................................