Thursday Rebirth-day

Bountiful houseplants

Are you starting to think about Sustainable Christmas gifts?

Have you just brought your geraniums and other non frost resistant plants inside?

Have any of your household plants grown too big for their pots or are in need of pruning?

Why not get rebirthing!!! - sustainable regeneration of beautiful plants to share with family, friends and pupils.

Prune and pot….

Here are some of my plant parents and babies….

Perfect potted presents!

Baby spider plants which in time, when they are ready can be planted in a pot of their own. A wonderful shade tolerant plant.

Or perhaps you have an aloe vera plant - they like to spread and need dividing by the root every so often.

Or you can keep the leaves that you cut off and use them as cooling balm if you burn yourself or get bitten or stung or have sore red skin patches.

Aloe vera can be very soothing and the sap is like a gel inside the leaves that can be squeezed out and used directly.