Black Friday:

Buy Nothing!

Sharing and swapping, upcycling and reusing. There are lots of ways in which we can buy less, but today in particular when we are being encouraged by countless campaigns to get that great bargain - how about trying to buy nothing?

Use some left-overs to make a hearty soup, get creative with some scraps of coloured paper and old magazines and collage some Christmas cards, and if you feel the need for something “new” in your life how about going off in search of a little free library?

Through Little Free Library book exchanges, millions of books are exchanged each year, profoundly increasing access to books for readers of all ages and backgrounds.

I’ve passed three on my walks around Cambridge this year - only 2 of which seem to be on the Little Free Libraries website!

Perhaps you know of more, or perhaps you could get started on making your own!

I used to pick up a book in passing at Cambridge North Station when train travel was a regular occurrence. There are plenty of other book swap locations but the little libraries do have a great appeal.

Here are some tips about making and installing your own.