Mind mapping

 6 Easy Steps to Make a Mind Map

Enter the Main Topic. Start by entering the main subject in the center of the mind map, for instance “Capitals of the world”.

Brainstorm Topics. Create main branches to enter your topics such as “London”, “Paris”, “New York” and “Beijing”. Do not worry about the order of the topics.

Create Sub-Topics. Elaborate on your topics by creating sub-topics. Make sure to use very short phrases or even single words.

Rearrange the Topics. If you need to rearrange the topics in your mind map, most software tools allow you to drag-and-drop branches. This will enable you to structure the topics that you brainstormed.

Add Images and Formatting. According to the mind mapping theory, images and colors improve memory retention. You can use different colors and fonts and place images on branches.

Notes and Research. Take notes to your topics and attached research files - if your mind mapping software allows you to.


