Spring According to Humphrey >>> 5.4 Overview

"Spring According to Humphrey" Concepts for pages 85-118 of the novel.

Draw Conclusions

How can you make a general statement about how things are alike?


What is a summary? What are the most important parts of the plot?

Vowel Patterns for ei and eigh

How does knowing word family patterns (chunks) help me spell related words?

Adverbs that Compare

What is the difference between comparative and superlative adverb?

Interactive Slide

Various images within the slide are able to be clicked and direct you to their respective websites.

5.4 Humphrey

5.4 Vocabulary

pang - a sudden sharp pain or a painful emotion

unveiling - to show or reveal something to others for the first time

obstacle course - a series of objects that people or animals in a race have to jump, climb, go over, go around, or go under, etc.

ringmaster/ringmistress - a person whose job it is to introduce performers in a circus

personality - a set of emotional qualities, ways of behaving, etc. that makes a person different from other people

adopted - to choose or take as one's own; make one's own by selection, such as a child or a pet

peaceful - free from war, strife, commotion, violence, or disorder

5.4 Spelling


ceiling neighbor either receipt

eighteen height neither eightieth

weight leisure protein neighborly

freight receive weigh deceitful

deceive sleigh conceited featherweight


5.4 Family Times.pdf