We'll Never Forget You, Roberto Clemente >>> 3.3 Overview

"We'll Never Forget You, Roberto Clemente" Concepts for pages 36-57 of the novel.

Graphic Sources

How can maps, charts, illustrations, and captions help a reader understand the text?

Text Structure

How can the way the story is organized help a reader understand the text?

Spellings of /j/, /k/, and /s/

What letters or combinations of letters make these sounds?

Subject & Verb Agreement

How does a verb change in order to make sense with a given subject?

Interactive Slide

Various images within the slide are able to be clicked and direct you to their respective websites.

Roberto 3.3

3.3 Vocabulary

bothered - concerned about something

cereal - a breakfast food made from roasted grain, typically eaten with milk

doubleheader - a sporting event in which two games or contests are played in succession at the same venue, typically between the same players or teams

manager - a person who controls the activities, business dealings, and other aspects of the career of an entertainer, athlete, or other famous person

confluence - the corner of a triangle formed by two rivers that flow together

arriba - a word meaning "Go!" in Spanish language

plaza - a public square, marketplace, or similar open space in a built-up area

3.3 Spelling


clock judge change ceiling

large crack ridge advantage

page edge jacket pledge

mark pocket badge pencil

kitten brake orange Kentucky


Roberto Family Times 3.3.pdf