We'll Never Forget You, Roberto Clemente >>> 3.4 Overview

"We'll Never Forget You, Roberto Clemente" Concepts for pages 58-75 of the novel.


How can you make a statement explaining how a number of things are alike?

Story Structure

How can the layout of the story help a reader retell it in his/her own words?

Suffixes (-ly, -ful, -less, -ness)

What are the meanings of these suffixes and how do they change the meanings of words?

Past, Present, & Future Tense of Verbs

How does the tense of a verb assist a reader with understanding a text?

Interactive Slide

Various images within the slide are able to be clicked and direct you to their respective websites.

Roberto 3.4

3.4 Vocabulary

popularity - the state or condition of being liked, admired, or supported by many people

fuss - a display of unnecessary or excessive excitement, activity, or interest

ceremony - a formal occasion, typically one celebrating a particular event (i.e. wedding, awards, etc.)

honored - to regard with high respect

pennant - a flag denoting a sports championship or other achievement

belted - to quickly hit or strike something hard

streak - a continuous period of specified success or luck

3.4 Spelling


beautiful worthless wireless anxiously

safely illness quietly thoughtfully

kindness helpful fairness cautiously

finally daily cheerful tardiness

spotless suddenly painful breathless


Roberto Family Times 3.4.pdf