
Landforms, bodies of water

The rugged mountains, hills and valleys of the Dinaric Alpsslice through Serbia west of the Morava River, while the toothy-edged Balkan Mountains form its natural borders with Bulgaria and Romania. The highest point in Serbia is Deravica onProkletije rising to 8,713 ft.In the region of Kosovo.


The Serbian climate is between a continental climate in the north, with cold winters, and hot, humid summers with well distributed rainfall patterns, and a more Adriatic climate in the south with hot, dry summers and autumns and rank daily average relatively cold winters with heavy inland snowfall.

Capital city and one place to tour while visiting the capital city

Belgrade is the capital city in Serbia. Sremska Mitrovica is a nice place to tour when visiting Serbia.


The population in Serbia is Parliamentary republic and they have a prime minister and President.


The population in Serbia is about 8,762,027 people.

Culture - clothing, music, art, food, religion, language (Choose at least 3)

The language they speak is called Serbian,some food they eat in Serbia are Sarma,Škembići,Gibanica, Serbias religion is called Christian.

One interesting fact that you learned from the website, "If It Were My Home."

If Serbia was my home I would 78.98% less money than in the United States.

Additional Pictures

  • Map of country
  • Country flag