San Marino

Physical Geography

Landforms, bodies of water

San Marino is in Italy. Italy is by the Tyrrhenian Sea. The Mediterranean sea is close by too. There is a mountain called Mount Titan.


The temperature is warm. In the winter it is very rainy. The summer is not very rainy compared to the winter. The temperature is classified as Csa.

Human Geography

Capital city and one place to tour while visiting the capital city

Guaita is a tourism spot in San Marino. Guaita is a peak that overlooks San Marino. It is a popular tourist attraction. It is also a fortress. It is also the oldest of three towers.


The governments of San Marino are Parliamentary System and Constitutional Republic. The Parliamentary System is democratic.


The population of San Marino is 33,203. There are more women than men in San Marino.

Culture - clothing, music, art, food, religion, language (Choose at least 3)

The clothing they wear is similar to our clothing maybe a little fancier somewhat. Some of their food is like ours. They eat like tacos and spaghetti and other stuff. In San Marino they speak italian.

Additional Pictures

  • Map of country
  • Country flag