
Physical Geography................................

Land forms, bodies of water

Finland has about 188,000 lakes most of those lakes are big. They have so many lakes because of the glaciers that melted. Finland is mostly flat with some hills. The Northern part of Finland has the most mountains and hills. The bodies of water around Finland are The Gulf of Bothnia, and The Baltic Sea.


In Finland it is usually cold and snowing. There is snow on the ground for about 90 to 120 days a year. It doesn't get that warm during the summer. Up North in Finland it stays pretty cold all year around. Sometimes if it gets windy it can drop to negative 40 degrees.

Human Geography

Capital city and one place to tour while visiting the capital city

The Capital city of Finland is Helsinki. Another good place to visit is Tampere because you can go hiking. It's between two lakes. So you can go fishing, go on a boat, and canoe. It's also cool because they have a lot of old buildings.


Finland has a parliamentary government with a multi-party political system. President is the leader of of the states. The Prime Minister is the head of Government. They also have the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government.


They have a population of Finland is 5.495 million people. The population of Wisconsin is about the population of Finland. Finland doesn't have a lot of people for how big the country is. They have a lot of land of trees. In Finland there is a little more men the women.

Culture - clothing, music, art, food, religion, language (Choose at least 3)

In Finland the main Languages they speak are Finnish and Swedish. 4.9 million people in Finland speak Finnish. In Finland they mostly eat cabbage rolls, pea soup, mashed potatoes, and met that they hunt. They also eat a lot of dairy products. One of the dishes they like most there is Karelian Pasty which has a rye crust and filled with rice and butter and usually served with a boiled egg. In Finland they kind of wear clothing like us. They have some dresses and suits that come from their culture. They usually are dressed warmly because it usually is cold in Finland.

One interesting fact that you learned from the website, "If It Were My Home."

If Finland were your home instead of the United States you would be 55.26% less likely to get murdered, And have 7.32% more free time.

Additional Pictures

  • Map of country
  • Country flag