
Physical Geography

Physical Geography- Moldova is bordered by Romania and Ukraine. It has many hills with a slope toward the Black Sea. Moldova has a rather rugged landscape, but elevations never reach beyond 430 meters. The country's highest point is Balanesti Hill. These hilly areas are part of the Moldavian Plateau, which is part of the Carpathian Mountains. Another part of the land are steep forested slopes crosses by valleys and ravines. The Dniester River is a small part of Moldova's border with Romania. Other rivers are the Nistru and Byk.

Climate- Moldova has a continental climate, with cold snowy winters and warm summers. The precipitation in Moldova is not a lot since they only get 500 millimeters a year. The season with the most precipitation is the winter, but is not abundant because of the low temperatures. It usually is in a form of light snow. The rainiest months, in terms of the amount of rain, are June and July. This is because of thunderstorms, but there are less of them in August. In the winter it is cold and the average temperature, in January, is about 27 degrees Fahrenheit. In the summer it is warm with average temperatures being around 75 degrees Fahrenheit in the two warmest months, July and August.

Human Geography

Capital- The capital city of Moldova is Chisinau. One place to visit while in Chisinau is the Holy Gates of Chisinau. It was built in 1846, and the gates hold a 6.4-ton bell molded from Turkish cannons. 16 Corinthian columns help hold up the arched upper level. There are marble slabs, on the sides, and they tell the story of the 1944 liberation of Chisinau from German Romanian invaders. Another place to visit, just outside of Chisinau, is Serpeni. It is a memorable building to honor the 12,000 Soviet soldiers that died during the Republic of Moldova. It was built in 1944, and it contains a marble sanctuary with all of the names of the national heroes that have died nearby. An eternal flames burns flame burns in the center of it.

Government- The president of Moldova is Igor Dodon, and the Prime Minister is Pavel Filip. Moldova is made up of a parliamentary representative democratic republic, where the Prime Minister is the head of the government and the multi-party system. The government uses executive power, while legislative power is secured in the Parliament. The judiciary is independent of the executive and legislature.

Population- The population of Moldova is 4,061,323 people. 52.6% of the population is females and 47.4% of the population is males. 42,927 people were born this year, but 44,108 people died this year. The net migration is -1,849 people, and the population growth this year is -3,030 people. 74% of the population is between 15 and 64 years old, and the life expectancy of people in Moldova is about 71 years old.


Clothing- The traditional national costume is now only found in museums and family collections. The women's costume is usually a white embroidered shirt, a vest that is trimmed with sheep fleece, and a white skirt with lace on the edge. It is usually covered by a black skirt that goes over it. The men's costume is a white embroidered shirt with the vest almost the same as the women's. They have white pants, with a hat decorated with peacock feathers, or just flowers, or a sheep fleece hat. They also have a wide belt. Both men and women wear leather shoes with leather laces that tie around their ankles. These are entirely hand made. It is said that every young girl is supposed to be able to weave cloth and do complex embroidery. Now, only folk musicians and dance groups wear these costumes. People who live in cities and towns wear jeans and T-shirts, but people in villages wear everyday clothes fit for farming.

Food- Traditional dishes resemble those from bordering countries. Stuffed cabbage and grape leaves are apart of the national dish. Placinte is a special pastry filled with cheese, potatoes, cherries, cabbage, and other ingredients. A special lunch has a sandwich, a piece of cake, an omelet, or porridge, with tea, coffee, or milk. Their lunch consists of soup and a hot dish. Their supper may be a hot meal, but it is lighter than lunch. Fruits and vegetables can be found in the local market, but the availability depends on the season. Moldovans take pride in their wine making.

Language- The language that is spoken in Moldova is Romanian. Romanian is a Romance language coming from the Indo-European family. It is close to Italian, Spanish, French, and Portuguese. Moldovan was written in the Russian alphabet throughout the Soviet era, but it is now written in the Latin alphabet.

Interesting Fact- "If It Were My Home." One interesting fact I learned on this site is that Moldova uses 90% less electricity than the US, but I could make 92% less money than I would here.

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