
Physical Geography-

Landforms, bodies of water- Alzette, Eisch, Moselle, Haute sure, and kneiff.

Climate- summers are fairly cool, winter is mild, and rainfall is high.

Human Geography

Capital city and one place to tour while visiting the capital city-Luxembourg city, You should visit Fort Thungen it is an old fort with art museums and history museums.

Government-They have a king and prime minister. The king is Henri and the prime minister is Xavier Bettel. They are a monarchy, democracy, grand duchy, unitary state, constitutional monarchy, parliamentary system, liberal democracy.

Population-There is 586,578 people living in Luxembourg.

Culture - clothing, music, art, food, religion, language (Choose at least 3)

The language the Luxembourg's speak is German, French, and Luxembourgish. The most popular dish is Judd mat Gaardebounen which looks like meat and corn in one dish. They have clothes like us but some skirts are from older times.

One interesting fact that you learned from the website, "If It Were My Home."

You make about 47.54% more money if you lived in Luxembourg than in the USA.