
Italy's flag

The map of Italy.

Physical Geography

Landforms and bodies of water

A few land forms and bodies of water are the Alps and Alpine mountains, volcanoes, subalpine lakes, islands, canals, lagoons, lakes, seas, gulfs, and rivers.


Italy's climate can be as cold as -2 degrees celsius (28.4 degrees fahrenheit) in the winter, and be as warm as 30 degrees celsius (86 degrees fahrenheit) in the summer, spring and fall have.

Human Geography

Capital & toursit attraction there

Italy's capital city is Rome, and one place to tour while visiting the capital city is the Colosseum.

A famous landmark (not in capital)

Another famous landmark isn't in Rome, it's in Piza Pi, Italy. That building is called the leaning tower of Piza.


Italy's clothing is that men wear suits and rarely ever bluejeans, the women on the other hand wear dresses. Italy's music is a classical themed music. Italy's art is of beauty and good design quality, like the Trevi Fountain. We can fine a lot of Italy's food here in the US.

The Mona Lisa made by the famous Italian artist Leonardo Da Vinci.


The population of men and women has more people 45-49 years of age.


Italy's government is a democracy.

One interesting fact that you learned from the website, "If It Were My Home."

In Italy you are less likely to go to prison, than here in the US.