May 4-8

May the 4th be with you...

There are lots of pieces out there available for the Star Wars fan. Why not try your hand at one? Here are a few pieces to look for that are easy to find. Try a solo or create a mini ensemble with a friend, family member or yourself... (and if you felt like dressing up for the part, even better!!)

  • Star Wars main theme

  • Imperial March

  • Cantina

The Power of 4ths...

Try your hand at composing a short piece that features the Perfect 4th in honour of May 4th, and the Perfect 5th (as it is a very recognizable part of Star Wars).

In music we describe the distances between notes as intervals. You can get more info from our theory page on what intervals are and how to write music if you need some refreshers. When you are done writing it, try playing it or send it to someone else to play it for you!

How Intervals Work

A crash course / review on intervals.

blank-manuscript-paper.png (2227×2724).pdf

Manuscript Paper

Who played it better?

A great musical performance is not just correct notes and rhythms played at the right time. It isn't just adding dynamics. It isn't even always how talented the musicians are... This week we want you to think about what makes a piece truly great.

Listen to the following 3 versions of the same piece and vote in our online poll....which version do you think is the best?

Star Wars Theme song playlist