April 6-10

Make a Musical Mosaic Video!

Pick a song that has at least two parts with it and create a recording of yourself doing all the parts, or find a family member or friend to play with you! It can be a new creation, or you can find some music to use (there are a few links on the Practice Tools page).

There are a few apps you can try to do this... try out Acapella (there is a 7 day free trial, and you can collaborate with someone who is in another place) or Mixound (which is totally free, but everyone has to be in the same building for this one). You can always do some editing in weVideo or iMovie if you have it.

Instruments are great if you have one, but if not just use what you do have! Get creative, use your voice, body percussion, or buckets and pans for drums (make sure you ask first...). Even better if you use an instrument you created (see challenge below).

Send your completed videos to your band teacher and we can post them on the Student Gallery!!

Here is an example that the band teachers made using Acapella and iMovie.

Here is a video tutorial on using Acapella to create compilations. One tip....only one person at a time can add to the compilation, then it needs to be shared to the next person.

Explore Tone Savvy

This week you are to complete 3 Music Theory Practice Exercises on the website tonesavvy.com

When you are done..complete the google form to check in

Create Your Own Instrument

Sometimes you need to make do with what you have.... so this week we challenge you to create your own musical instrument! What family does it fit into, winds, brass, strings, percussion? How creative can you get?

If you need some ideas for inspiration check out this website to get started: https://www.mydso.com/dso-kids/activities/make-your-own-instrument

Send us a video of the final product so we can hear how it sounds and what you made it out of! We will add it to the Student Gallery!

Bonus "points" If you include someone else you are self isolating with...a sibling...a parent .... a pet.... we can't wait to see your creations.