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Can my child bring in birthday treats?

Yes! Birthday treats need to be pre-sealed, and preferably individually wrapped. Please contact me a day or two in advance, it helps with planning in case we have a schedule conflict.

What if my child has a summer birthday?

We can coordinate a date in May to celebrate early! Or we can celebrate their half birthday, whatever works best for you! I will send a newsletter with information closer to May as a reminder.

What does communication look like between home and school?

I hope to stay in touch with Class Dojo, phone calls, and newsletters! I will send home a weekly newsletter to inform you as a consistent form of contact. While I hope it never does, if an issue with behavior or academics arises, I will reach out so we can work together through it.

I do not check my email after 4pm. If you email me after 4pm, then you will receive a response sometime the next day. I check my email before school and an hour after school.

Am I able to volunteer in my child's classroom?

Yes! I will give opportunities during the year to come in and help! This can include field trips, holidays, guest readers, and more! In order to enter the building, you will need to fill out and pass a background check. The background check requires a copy of your I.D. This is to help keep us safe!

What if I need to change my child's transportation?

Call the office to inform us about a change in your child's transportation. I can not release your child to an adult without being informed by the parent/guardian. Safety first!