Classroom RULES

Kindergarten is a new experience! Your child will learn so many different things, this includes social and emotional skills. Working collaboratively with others, being self aware, regulating emotions are all important to understand. I am so excited to guide your child's growth!

At the beginning of the year, we will create classroom rules as a whole group. These are the basic classroom etiquette that kindergarteners will need to learn. These skills will follow them each year as they move forward in their education. As a class, we will discuss what each rule sounds like, looks like, and feels like. 

Rule #1 - Follow directions quickly

Rule #2 - Raise your hand for permission to speak

Rule #3 - Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat

Rule #4 - Make smart choices

Rule #5 - Make our dream team stronger

GOLDEN RULE - Keep your eyes on the target.

classroom management

The key to our kindergarten classroom management will be building meaningful relationships with my students as well as their families. My goal is to get to know your child so they feel comfortable with the classroom adults and the overall environment. This includes getting to know their learning style, strengths, interests, history, hopes, and dreams. We are a class family!

Here is an example of the Classroom Mission Statement from 2022-2023 school year. The students used this as a plan to have a successful school year!

Whole Brain - Whole Class Management

For whole classroom management, I like using Whole Brain Teaching method. This includes strategies for the daily routine that creates consistent expectations for the students, and focuses on celebrations. Each time the entire class is working hard, following directions, etc, they can be asked to give a Mighty "Oh Yeah!" and receive a Wolf Mark on the classroom scoreboard. If the entire class is not following directions, etc, we will give a "Mighty Groan" and receive a Turtle Mark. The scoreboard is focused into something we need to work on as a class. Examples are following directions quickly, listening, taking turns talking, etc. At the end of the day, if there is more Wolf Marks than Turtle Marks, the class will receive that many pom poms into the goal jar. When the jar is full, the whole class gets to celebrate with an incentive they chose prior to starting. It could be a movie day, popcorn day, extra recess time, or something else of their choosing.

Individual Behavior Management

The Super Improvers Chart is a tool we use to acknowledge individual behavior. This is not the average behavior chart because students are only praised for positive behavior on the classroom display. Students earn stickers on their card by modeling school appropriate behavior, following directions, making smart choices, etc. Beginning levels may only take 5-10 points, while the higher up levels may need 30! If a student reaches "Thunderbird", they will become legendary students in our kindergarten. Not all student will reach this level but it is a great way for students to stay focused on the goal!

As kindergarteners, behaviors are expected and I will provide support and guidance in order to fix the behaviors. Discussing individually with the students the problem, and teaching what to do next time. Students will receive verbal warnings before I will start giving them Strikes. This may result in a note, email, or phone call home to discuss the day with you.  In a serious case where a student is being extremely disruptive or harmful, the child may be given an office referral regardless of how many verbal warnings if I feel that it is necessary.

WHat are ways to get stickers on the cards?

*stickers may vary based on the needs of a child, everyone gets stickers for different reasons based on what social/emotional skills need to be worked on

*I remind students that they may not always get stamps every single time they do something (to ensure longevity of system)

Classroom JOBs

Classroom jobs helps your child feel ownership towards their learning environment. Students gain skills such as leadership, time management, and organization through a variety of different assigned tasks each week. They are learning to be independent, as well as learning how to be apart of the community around them.

Classroom jobs start small and simple. Jobs include line leader, line caboose, weather reporter, etc. Then as we learn our daily routine and gain more independence in the classroom, we are able to add more complex jobs that need less guidance and more trust. Jobs can include pledge leader, librarian, paper passer, materials collector, etc. These jobs require students to be responsible and respectful towards classmates and the classroom. 

Classroom mission statement

I can make a plan!

Students create a class mission statement at the beginning of the year that reminds us what matters most to us. Our goal is to succeed in kindergarten, and we know what will help us! We refer to our statement almost daily and refocus on meeting our goals.