Key for Contents

  • Planning & Production

  • Problem Solving

  • Evaluation

  • Targets


Physical Warm-Up with the Jive Dance

Vocal Warm-Up with the selected songs

'Physical Essence' / Laban Efforts

Speed Dating(?) Activity

What is your feel name?

How old are you?

Do you have any brothers/sisters?

Where were you born?

Where do you live now?

What was school like for you?

Who was your best friend at school?

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Are/were you in a relationship?

What is the worst thing you have ever done?

What is your greatest fear?

What was your first love?

What animal would you be?

What element would you be?

How would you describe yourself?

How do you think other people view you?

How do you present yourself? What is it that you want other people to see when they meet you and spend time with you?

What information about yourself do you want to keep hidden? What thoughts and actions do you wish to not have other people know?

Is there are a part of life that you think have been unlived? Are there things in your life that you have not done that you wish to do?

Find a painting/photograph that embodies the Judge

  • Your role in the process is as an actor – you must write about this.

  • What do you offer to the rehearsal process?

  • What do you need to do better?

  • Set yourself targets – what do you want to achieve in each rehearsal? What might you need to do between rehearsals to prepare? What has your director asked of you?

  • Analyse your contribution to each session and why you are successful/unsuccessful?

  • Take photos in the rehearsal process, include these in the work, annotate them to explain what you have been doing.

  • Film parts of the process and evaluate/analyse your work – edit this together to track part of your process.

What was the aim of the exercise/experiment/ rehearsal? What was successful?

How did the group get on? How could we have improved as a group?

How did you do individually? How could you have improved personally?

Is there anything left unachieved?


Did a full run


  • The run was...

  • End of Scene 7 will be where the interval is, as it will give time for June to change.

  • Scene 1, everyone on stage will be singing rather than just the nurses.

  • For the Operators, we need to make the actions more frantic and keep taking calls.

  • Overall, keep looking up and engaged.

  • A lot of pacing around the room that's not needed.

  • Sorted out the Boy's entrance and exit concerning the stairs.

  • Change how the dead soldiers come into Heaven by going UP the staircase rather then downstage.

  • The Director wants to sort the Conductor's entrance.

  • Specific notes for Peter and June for Scene 4, it sounds too confrontational and it should be softer.

  • Conductors need to work on a signature move with their hands when they use magic?

  • Bolder choices need to be made.

  • Make the hospital freezeframes in the dance exaggerated and clear.

  • Relook at the beginning.

  • Sing 'Dream a Little Dream' rather than 'Sleep, Bottom, Sleep'.

  • Rohan found a way to keep in time when the hand jive happens.

  • We have 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' costumes, so we need to sort out that out.

  • Balance the proxemics in Scene 10 - and in general.

  • The beds in the set don't come out anymore (Technical note)

  • Make the book of Jazz clearer, I think there could be a comment made for it.

  • Remember, the audience is 3 sided, so try not to have their back to them unless your opening up the scene for them.

  • Secure when Peter goes up in Scene 12.

  • Pin ball machine energy for Scene 13.

  • Scene 14 should feel intimate, like the audience are invited to see.

  • Scene 18 is being moved to just after Scene 16.

  • Th Judge is too stern, so I need to find a way to relax more/

  • He wants to cut down the war line to half, although I don't think there is any need to compromise.

  • The Heavenly Assistant should be more bubbly and busy.

  • Hum 'Dream a Little Dream' when Shakespeare needs it.

  • Your role in the process is as an actor – you must write about this.

  • What do you offer to the rehearsal process?

  • What do you need to do better?

  • Set yourself targets – what do you want to achieve in each rehearsal? What might you need to do between rehearsals to prepare? What has your director asked of you?

  • Analyse your contribution to each session and why you are successful/unsuccessful?

  • Take photos in the rehearsal process, include these in the work, annotate them to explain what you have been doing.

  • Film parts of the process and evaluate/analyse your work – edit this together to track part of your process.

What was the aim of the exercise/experiment/ rehearsal? What was successful?

How did the group get on? How could we have improved as a group?

How did you do individually? How could you have improved personally?

Is there anything left unachieved?


Went on a trip to The Royal Courts of Justice

  • Feels like a castle.

  • The rooms are intimidating and 'judgy'

  • Nicky works as a Court Associate, which is more on the administrative side and helps to keep everything running smoothly.

  • County Court and the Magistrates Court are quite modern.

  • The High Court and the upper courts are still traditional and similar as to how it was in the past.

  • Wigs and gowns are worn in criminal cases especially because it gives a sense of authority and it helps them to look unanimous/anonymous.

  • Your role in the process is as an actor – you must write about this.

  • What do you offer to the rehearsal process?

  • What do you need to do better?

  • Set yourself targets – what do you want to achieve in each rehearsal? What might you need to do between rehearsals to prepare? What has your director asked of you?

  • Analyse your contribution to each session and why you are successful/unsuccessful?

  • Take photos in the rehearsal process, include these in the work, annotate them to explain what you have been doing.

  • Film parts of the process and evaluate/analyse your work – edit this together to track part of your process.

What was the aim of the exercise/experiment/ rehearsal? What was successful?

How did the group get on? How could we have improved as a group?

How did you do individually? How could you have improved personally?

Is there anything left unachieved?


Full Run Through