Key for Contents

  • Planning & Production

  • Problem Solving

  • Evaluation

  • Targets


We ran Act 2 after Let's Do It, Let's Fall in Love

We worked on Scene 19

Notes for myself:

Stress the specific words of the case.

Slow down on each statement.

I think I just need to so my emotions a bit more.

Make the moment with Josh clearer and longer.

Then the Director cut the end of the scene because he didn't make notes of how the ending should be and was confused about it.

It's a shame because even as we spent too much time working on the ending right now, the endings that we had decided on from the past were better than the ones we just did now. But it's too late to share this as the show is next week.


Did the motorbike scenes

Then we ran Act 2

Then we worked on Scene 19 and the ending.

  • Nurses need to be less 'stripper' and more cheeky. Arm directions need to be precise. Think about our gaze.

  • Articulation and diction need to be better.

  • Energy in our body, not just our voices.

  • Be aware of proxemics.

  • Slow down with my lines

  • Pacing is important for Scene 19 because it's 'long'

  • Find the balance between being stern and friendly - even though I was told I was too strict before. I'm just going to go with my gut feeling of being authoritative before because it didn't make sense to be nice before, understanding but not nice.

Frustrating rehearsal as per usual, people don't care about this scene still, yet they wonder why the ending is not hitting/being impactful as it needs to be.

As the Director mentioned before, we spent around 30mins humming or singing the ending songs for the two endings which is ridiculous because people kept talking as soon as the Director would say 'again'.

We then did a run of the whole show.

I took on the notes of being to friendly and although I know I wasn't being very friendly at that point, but it felt better.


Plot Day, we were able to do up to Scene 6


Tech Day, we were able to do Act 1