Character Studies

A picture of me in costume for the Judge before the amendments are made to it.

Character Research of 'The Judge' by Lola Ajayi

Stanislavsky's Fundamental Questions

Jamboard of my Moodboard

I made this Moodboard to help me visualise what ideas I have for the Judge and investigate what direction I want to take my character in future rehearsals. Below is a screenshot of what I had collected with my different thoughts in mind:


Picture 1 - Lady Justice

The picture shows a statue of Lady Justice, which I think is the archetype of what I and many people would associate with a 'Judge' and 'Justice'. I think this picture links well to my character because it reminds me that Justice is blind and not meant to discriminate or be biased toward those in the Court. With that in mind, it makes me think that what if the Judge finally let the blindfold drop because of how unorthodox the case is? Or does she still keep the same temperament regardless of how the situation is?

Picture 2 - Scale of Grey Colours

When I was asked what colour I think my character is, I immediately thought of the colour grey and found a picture that shows different gradients of grey as I couldn't think of a specific shade. I can't quite place it, but I believe I went with this colour because it lacks the qualities of bright colours that stem from the primary ones, and it has a stereotypical feature of being a blank canvas - blurry and muted.

Picture 3 - The Parthenon

The last picture shows the relic that is The Parthenon that can be found in Greece. Dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena, it symbolises wisdom and knowledge of war - which I think is useful to my character. For example, I think the characteristics of the goddess can be applied to the Judge as she is intuitive and all-knowing, and it is relevant to the play as it is set during one of the most famous wars in history (World War Two). I also think that the properties of the structure can be linked to the Judge, that she is able to withstand the elements and that she is a phenomenon that can't be replicated.


Picture 1 - Pop Music

Unlike the previous pictures that I found out of my own interest, this picture came from a character developing exercise that we did in our later rehearsals. A quick summarisation of the exercise was to act like different genres of music in various levels of embodiment and give us the freedom to discover new attitudes towards the characters. The exercise aimed for us to figure out what style/genre of music our characters could be and what style we could try that is paradoxical to what we would initially do. So, I knew that if I followed the archetype, the Judge could be associated with Opera. But, I wanted to do something that was different, so I put Pop music on my moodboard in response to the Director stating that I was too "stern" in our rehearsal. However, I realised that I couldn't ignore the fact that it went against what would make sense for the character, so I have decided that the Judge would be Opera, but would have tinges of Pop in her character. although the picture isn't there I would put Opera there. Below are some qualities of the genre that I wanted to adopt for the Judge:

Qualities of Pop = quick, energetic, catchy, expressive, current?/modern

Qualities of Opera = slow, sustained, expressive, elegant, progressive, old fashioned

Picture 2 - Model

This picture shows a model dressed like an angel sitting in a leather chair. When I first so this picture, my immediate thought was that, 'this is what the Judge would look like in the future', and I looked in detail about

Picture 3 - Yzma from 'The Emperor's New Groove'

Picture 4 - Painting

Character Backstory

'Who am I', you may ask. I have had many names over the millenias. Iudicium. κρίση. Divine punishement. I am what you call 'Judgement'.


  • Pop Picture

  • Grey Scale Picture (2022). [online] Available at:

  • Justice Statue Picture (2022). [online] Available at:

  • Parthenon Picture (2022). [online] Available at:

  • Yzma Picture