Key for Contents

  • Planning & Production

  • Problem Solving

  • Evaluation

  • Targets


We finished Scene 19?


We looked at the last half of Scene 19 and the two endings.

We played the wah game for the warm up.

We sang songs for the vocal warm up.

Notes for the Judge:

  • Slow down with the lines

  • Stay grounded

  • Wait for Josh to give me the files.

  • I think I should make my character choices clearer on each line.

  • Your role in the process is as an actor – you must write about this.

  • What do you offer to the rehearsal process?

  • What do you need to do better?

  • Set yourself targets – what do you want to achieve in each rehearsal? What might you need to do between rehearsals to prepare? What has your director asked of you?

  • Analyse your contribution to each session and why you are successful/unsuccessful?

  • Take photos in the rehearsal process, include these in the work, annotate them to explain what you have been doing.

  • Film parts of the process and evaluate/analyse your work – edit this together to track part of your process.

What was the aim of the exercise/experiment/ rehearsal? What was successful?

How did the group get on? How could we have improved as a group?

How did you do individually? How could you have improved personally?

Is there anything left unachieved?


We started working on the BED Scenes (1, 7, and

However, we were only able to do Scene 1 and 7

We needed to have a talk about discipline

We talk about how we respond as operators in Scene 1 to what June is saying.

I suggested the idea for the reaction to Are you pretty?

  • Your role in the process is as an actor – you must write about this.

  • What do you offer to the rehearsal process?

  • What do you need to do better?

  • Set yourself targets – what do you want to achieve in each rehearsal? What might you need to do between rehearsals to prepare? What has your director asked of you?

  • Analyse your contribution to each session and why you are successful/unsuccessful?

  • Take photos in the rehearsal process, include these in the work, annotate them to explain what you have been doing.

  • Film parts of the process and evaluate/analyse your work – edit this together to track part of your process.

What was the aim of the exercise/experiment/ rehearsal? What was successful?

How did the group get on? How could we have improved as a group?

How did you do individually? How could you have improved personally?

Is there anything left unachieved?


Did the run of Act 1 (up to Scene 1)

Scene 1

  • The song (Everybody Loves Somebody) needs to be cut to the first 2 verses.

  • The boy needs to be aware of the audience - which is applicable to everyone. Diagonals in proxemics.

  • Wings of the plane need to be looked at