Getting Started

Login to eDofE

Once you receive your login details, go the app and login to complete registration. A Welcome Pack for your award level will be sent to your home address.

New to the Award: Your username will be your school username and you will have received an email with your initial password

Starting a new level: This will be added to your eDofE account. Previous levels must be completed or abandoned to allow you to start the new A level.

Add details of Activities for approval

For your Volunteering, Physical and Skills Activity you now need to add the details of each activity to your eDofE account for approval. Use the details you have recorded on your Programme Planner. Remember -

  • Assessor must be over 18

  • You must include first name and surname for the assessor

  • They must be suitably involved or experienced in the activity

  • You MUST include a contact detail for the assessor or their organisation