Evidencing Activities

Formal Activities

When activties are organised for a participant, then the only evidence required will be the Assessor report at the end of the time frame.

'Formal' activities are where the participant does the activity with a group, and with the assessing adult.

  • Volunteering - Attending a weekly Cub/Brownie session, volunteering at a charity shop, helping coach a community sports team
  • Physical - Playing in a Football Team, attending a running club training session, Dance classess, Keep Fit / Yoga classes
  • Skill - Music lessons, Drama classess, Art Classes, Driving lessons etc

Informal Activities

When the activtiy is self directed by the participant, and will be done predominantely without the support of an assessing adult, participants will need to find ways to 'evidence' their participation and progress with the actitivty. In this instance it is often appropriate to add the DofE Manager as the assessor, but other staff (tutors) can be used, as well as family friends.

For example, here are some activities and some suggest types of evidence. The assessor just needs to be convinced that the relevant number of hours have been spent, and the participant has engaged - it is done primarily on trust

  • Volunteering
      1. Litter picking in local area. A Text entry on eDofE for each time they do this, with date and time, accompanied by photo evidence uploaded through eDofE app
      2. Supporting Neighbours: In this instance, the neighbour could be the assessor, or perhaps a realtive (eg if elderly). They should need support.
  • Physical:
      1. Running, Cycling, Walking. A text entry on eDoFE, a screenshot of an online GPS mapping app (ie Strava), photo of map, photos, videos
      2. Home fitness videos such as Yoga. A diary text entry with URL of You Tube Clip each time completed
  • Skills:
      1. Art: Pictures of art work to show regular progress
      2. Programming. Text diary entry for each time spent. Examples of coding showed to assessor, photos, screenshots
      3. Cooking / Baking. Text diary entry, photo of recipie, photo of outcome, a slice of cake taken to assessor!