Bronze Award

A letter of introduction to the award is below, as is a letter providing further details on how to plan and evidence the Skills, Physical and Volunteering sections of the Award. 

0 - Intro to bronze Award
1 - Term 2 Letter

The 'other' sections

At Bronze, two activities (Physical, Skill or Volunteering)  should be done for a total of approx. 15 hours, spread over a minimum of 3 months, with weekly participation (bar holidays). One activity should be done for approx. 30 hours, spread over 6 months, and could be done fortnightly

Participants can do more hours, but must still maintain weekly / fortnightly commitments.

Support a Charity, a Not-for-Profit, or Community Group through Volunteering

Keep healthy by taking part in activities from Team sports to Dance, Martial Arts to Outdoor Pursuits

Develop a skill, whether Music, Drama, Art,  Cooking, Programming, a Language and many more.

A two day, overnight backpacking Expedition, with students self sufficient carrying all equipment and food to get them through