
What do I have to do?

Find a charity, community group or not-for profit organisation to get involved with to support your local community and/or disadvantaged people.

This should be for 1-2hrs a week, or 3-4hrs a fortnight. At Gold level you could do 6+hrs once a month.


So many things you could do. Here are some of the most popular

  1. Charity Shops

  2. Supporting younger scouting association clubs as a young leader

  3. Helping coach younger players in sport for your local community sport team

  4. Helping at a religious venue with activities.

We do recommend that Gold students move on from Charity Shop volunteering, or volunteering in school, as we believe they get a lot more out of volunteering with other adults in young leadership position.

What cannot count

Volunteering with a Business is not considered Volunteering by DofE, as this deemed work experience. Volunteering has to be with a Charity, Not-for Profit or a community organisation.

It is possible to volunteer in a Care Home, as long as the volunteering provides something beyond what the business would normally provide, often through a 'Friends of' type society or organisation.

It is also possible to volunteer in schools. Be aware that Early Years settings (for 3-5yr olds) are often registered Businesses, and therefore volunteering at these is not appropriate for the award.