
This is a very important feature of the Mac, it allows users:

It can easily be customised to the users preferences

Note: Closing all active windows ona Mac does not quit an application. You need to use QUIT to completely close the application. Quit is on the application menu, the drop down on the application name, or by alternate (right) click on the icon in the Dock.

Performance Hint: Having a lot of open applications can affect performance. Applications like Skype, Chrome etc will continue to communicate with servers anytime they are open, even if there are no active windows. Good practice is to quit applications you do not need

Constant Features

Customisable Features

Dock Location and Size

The visible aspects of the Dock are controlled in the Dock panel of Systems Preferences

Most settings including size, magnification and postion on screen, are purely a matter of personal preference. Try a few settings until you find a mix you are comfortable with.

Show indicators for open applications is recommended to be switched on. This places a white dot under the icon in the Dock of any open appplication.

Dock Contents

Towards the end of the dock there will be one or two seperator lines visible. Click on these and move to increase or decrease the size of the dock.

Right Hand Section

The right hand section contains the Trash and any folders or documents that you want to have quick access to, by deafult these will include Downloads. 

To add a folder or document simply drag it onto that section of the Dock. 

Right click on an icon and you will see a variety of choices on how it is displayed. Under Options you can click to Remove from Dock

Middle Section (not always visible)

This section contains any currently open applications that are not locked to the Dock

Left Hand Section

This contains applications that are Kept in the Dock, the user can use Remove from Dock (under the alternate click and Options) ro remove them or simply click and drag to reorder items.

It is recommended that applications you do not use are removed from the Dock, if for no other reason than avoiding opening them accidentally.

To add applications to the dock simply clcik and drag them into place. Use the launch pad or Application folder to see all the applications that are installed on the Mac.