Google Classroom

Talk to your colleagues about how to use Google Classroom, many features are self-explanatory, but how classroom is used will vary between age groups and subjects.

Below is an extended video tutorial covering most key aspects of Google Classroom and underneath is some observations about key features and there use at BISP.

What Classes should I create?

First check Classroom and see what classes have been created for you. In general there should be a classroom for each group you teach. 

Classrooms must be named so it is clear of which group they cater for and which year, use classroom names created for you as a template if you need to create new classrooms.

Students and Teachers in each Classroom

At a minimum Classrooms will have two teachers allocated, normally the Head of Faculty and the teacher of the group. The second teacher is there to enable the classroom to be utilised if the main teacher is absent.

Students will initially be allocated to classrooms a few days before term starts. You may need to add late arrivals to the classroom, use an invitation or joining code.


Guardians are added by the Secondary Office and it is expected that each course will enable guardian summaries. 

Classroom Content

Each Classroom should contain information on the content and assessment procedure for the course. The Classroom is also a good place to give students links to resources.

Assignments require a due date and guardians are informed if due dates are missed. It is important that assignments are only used when there is a submission to be made. For some tasks you may want to allow students options on how to submit, in that case instrauct them to submit the work in their preferred manner and then submit on Classroom indicating the work has been submitted.

Where there are multiple groups following the same course, then all students should recieve the same materials and assessements via Classroom.

When posting try to remember that guardian summaries, really are summaries and they do not include attachments. Try to write concisely in a way that will be comprehensible to a Guardian as well as the students,

Managing Messages from Classroom

All email settings for classroom teachers are linked together on the personl settings page. This is accessible by clicking on the three bars (burger bars) menu in the top right of the screen and the very last entry (after all your classrooms and Archived is a settings option.

Immediately visible are settings that affect all classrooms and control what tyoe of messages you recieve. At the bottom is a collapsed section (click on the "v" to expand the section) where you can select which of your classrooms you wish to recieve messages from.