
On this page, we provide links to resources that will support you throughout the PD cycle. Most of these resources were created by partnering sites. We encourage you to use, adapt, and modify these resources to align with your goals. Further, we hope that you create resources that we can share with other organizations.

Hands using a glue stick on a paper collage.

The resources on this page will support discussions around how failure is framed by your educators and/or as team, as well as community building activities.

Group of workshop participants wearing paper hats they made

The resources on this page include activities that will engage your educators in experiences with failure, as well as resources to think through and discuss pedagogical failure moves to address youths' failures.

Video conference call with six people

The resources on this page include questions used throughout collecting video to support reflection.

Facilitator reflection about a four minute video clip about needle felting

The resources on this page will provide guidance in selecting video clips to be shared with others in Workshop 3 or Workshop 4.

Researcher sitting on a tiny chair in the thinker pose

The resources on this page includes questions posed by lead facilitators during one-on-one meetings regarding video clips.

Laptop with a slide, presenter pointing at screen in background

The resources on this page will support discussions and feedback around the video clips shared by educators.

Chart paper with "Getting Unstuck" strategies.  Eight strategies listed (e.g. change your plans, or ask a friend for help), colored stickers represent each time that strategy was used.

The resources on this page include different ways to collect youth data regarding their experiences with failure and getting "unstuck."

Screenshot of a video clip in Sibme.

The resources on this page will provide information about Sibme and how to use different features of Sibme.

Ceramic mug with the quote "failure is the condiment that gives success its flavour"

The resources on this page will provide articles to read related to failure.Â