
It's the dynamic of not just the making of the artwork and whatever the teaching outcome is, it's also the social aspect and that's the one where the instructors are responsible for creating a safe and beneficial, conducive learning environment. So those are things I think this project has made me more aware of - about the performance of the instructor, and then that's kind of part and parcel of the learning outcome, the objective for the class, and then that whole, wrapper of expertise in teaching being a master teacher. (Year 1 Informal Educator)

OUR LIVING DEFINITION OF FAILURE: “F”-ailure is not meeting a standard of excellence, often set by those who are not a part of the same group being evaluated. It is fueled by the fear and comparison of what we think is the idea of perfection or excellence. “f”-ailure is minor, acute learning moments that do not work in the moment. There may be a lack of follow through, inaction, or completion based on fear or uncertainty.

Six sided green shape with MIA year 1 written inside.

FiM Professional Development Cycle

Follow along with Mia's PD Cycle by clicking on the slideshow below. 

MIA PD Cycle
Worksheet on character development with hand written notes and a drawing of a coiled snake.  Colorful snake made from clay sits on top of the worksheet.

Data Collection Programs

Mia conducted their PD Cycle with different online programs. You can check out more information about these programs on their website. 

Adult wearing a face mask stands in front of tables of workshop participants with a worksheet in her hand.

Lessons Learned

What have they learned? In doing another round of the PD cycle, what would Mia do differently? Check out the slide below.

I think having that safe space and starting out, trying to craft a definition of what failure in making, offering instruction, co-learning, all of those aspects of being in a relationship between a presenter/facilitator and a learner or a participant. I think that was extremely important.  (Year 1 Teaching Artist)


The Minneapolis Institute of Art enriches the community by collecting, preserving, and making accessible outstanding works of art from the world’s diverse cultures.