We would love to meet you!

Interested? We can match you with one of our research studies

Our research follows babies as they grow and you can earn up to $360 total if participating in multiple sessions. Your participation in research plays a vital role in improving understanding on neurodevelopment!

Please, leave your information by clicking the button below to get involved in our research. 

We look forward to hearing from you.

Where we are

ENCoDe Lab

 Brain and Body Imaging Research Center (BBIRC)


What should I expect from an EEG visit?

EEG visits take place in Science 4 building, Room G75 at Binghamton University, and last for about 1 hour. Free parking is available in lot C. 

Parents will stay with their kids the entire time. The ENCoDe Team will welcome you in our waiting area, where we will thoroughly explain to you each step of the study and answer your questions. After reviewing and signing an informed consent form, we will measure your kid's head to choose the perfect EEG net size. Trained ENCoDe team members will take care of you and your little one. Young participants will be sitting on their parent's lap and watch pictures and videos presented on a screen, while we record their neural responses. We do our best to design our studies to be engaging and fun. Babies and children enjoy this part! Here is more info about this technique. How we specifically utilize this technique in our lab is detailed here.

What should I expect from an MRI visit?

MRI visits take place in the Binghamton University Brain and Body Imaging Research Center (BBIRC), within the UHS Imaging offices located at 4417 Vestal Parkway East. Free parking is available on site. On average MRI visits last for about 2.5 hours. We know it may be tough not too check our phones for that long, but we swear it is worth it!

Parents will stay with their kids the entire time. The ENCoDe Team will walk you and your little one to the MRI suite, where we will thoroughly explain to you each step of the study and answer your questions. After reviewing and signing an informed consent form, the parent coming in the MRI room will be asked to wear a scrub. Sssshhhh! We take very high resolution brain's picture while your baby is asleep. We do our best to keep your baby's sleeping routine and create a welcoming environment for you and your baby to relax. If you like, your family can receive a copy of your baby's brain pictures.  Here is more info about this technique. How we specifically utilize this technique in our lab is detailed here.

Will I get paid to participate in your study?

All our studies include a monetary compensation to participants for their time. As a way to show our appreciation to our little scientists, they will receive a small toy or t-shirt. Families will get a lot of pictures of their little ones taking part in neuroscience research. There will be free parking and free child care for any siblings coming along to the appointment. 

Are there any risks with these research studies?

All our procedures utilize noninvasive methods, and infant- and child-friendly procedures.

I am interested, what's next?

Thank you for your interest! Eligibility is based on kids' age at a given time. You may be contacted by e-mail or phone for more information about the study and decide if you would like your child to participate. We will work with you to arrange a time for your visit(s) based on your availability. Click on the button below to start the process!