Risk Register/AHA

The Risk Register is a table of contents for the anticipated risk levels associated with each Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) conducted for the contracted scope of work involving BHI construction projects. These tasks are ranked prior to any hazard mitigations being implemented. The risk levels assigned to the tasks are based on BHI’s Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM) shown and described below.

The Risk Register and the the AHA's help complete an EHS Safety Plan for BHI as a whole and for individual projects. It is designed to educate safe work per task. It does not replace the daily Job Safety Analysis, but serves as a supporting document.

BHI's Risk Assessment Matrix designates a Letter/Number Rank in order to classify each task as an Extremely High, High, Medium or Low risk and is based on industry experience, not BHI's company record or history. Each Risk and Rank is designated by activity and before controls are in place. The Risk and Rank are often given in a general sense, per BHI's diverse work model, but can be changed per site specific needs and conditions.

Some activities may not yet be accounted for. Please use the blue button to submit requests for new Activity Hazard Analyses to be produced. Look over the Risk Register on this page to ensure the activity you are looking for doesn't already exist.

BHI Risk Register