Week 16: 11/27

Monday - 

Tuesday - 

Wednesday/Thursday - 

Friday - 

Introduction to "Moles" (Video Clip 11/27)

Understanding Avogadro's # and The Mole (Students Needed to Take Notes and Learn 11/27)

Converting Between Grams & Moles (PART 1)

(Students needed to take notes 11/28)

Converting Between Grams & Moles (PART 2)

(Students needed to take notes 11/28)

Converting Between Moles, Atoms and Molecules (PART 1) 

(Students needed to take notes 11/28)

Converting Between Moles, Atoms and Molecules (PART 2) 

(Students needed to take notes 11/28)

Copy of Analyzing data - counting matter in one gram

Homework Tuesday 11/28

Moles and Conversion Practice.pdf

In-class Conversion Practice (worked on several days this week)

Copy of Writing assignment - counting tiny objects

Homework Wed/Thurs 11/29-11/30