Time To science!

"Imagination Is More Important Than Knowledge" Albert Einstein

February "Gravitas"!! 

This was one of the ancient Roman virtues that denoted "seriousness". It also translates as "weight", "dignity", "restraint", and "moral rigor". To me this virtue isn't so much about 'being serious' as it is about being 'responsible'. It's  all about responsibility and commitment. Gravitas is that inner feeling of responsibility and commitment present inside yourself in every situation and circumstance. I will have fun responsibly. I will tease and make jokes responsibly. I will speak and act responsibly with 100% commitment. To have 'Gravitas' means we are 100% self-responsible 100% of the time! This HAS to be woven into the fabric of your character as soon as one is able. It's essential to a happy, healthy, long life!!

Important Dates

February 14th: Half-Day!! 

February 17th: No School!! President's Day!! 🇺🇲

Teacher Talk

7th grade is finishing up 'Evolutionary History' this week and moving on to 'Chemical Reactions', my favorite 😀. They are excited to figure out what their mystery fossil is! 8th grade is in the midst of the 'Magnetic Fields' Unit and we continue to study our rocket propulsion issue! Our fish had babies! 😄 It's too hard to name them. I mean, how does one go about keeping track of that when they all look the same? haha So we still have "Tigger" and then..."little fish"!

Biography Larson, T. SY 24/25

The "Science" Way

Be intellectually curious

Be intentionally positive

Have a growth mindset

Practice and emulate virtue

Promote civility

Lab Safety

Science Safety Rules

Class Expectations

Class Info & Expectations 7th-8th Grade 2024-2025