
I arrived at Leeds Town Hall on Saturday 5th October prepared and excited for the BFI Academy Course Induction Day. After a short wait (where I met some fellow participants), Martin led us through into the meeting room where he began to introduce the team, accompanied with a power-point. This lead to discussing our own personal goals for the course and what we hope to gain from it.

Induction Day 2019 Presentation including G-Suite intro

Furthermore, we spent a short period of time getting to know our peers, talking about our favourite films, why we applied for the BFI and what we hope to gain. Throughout the day we were introduced to different google platforms (such as classroom, docs, drive etc.) and how they would come into use and, shortly after, talking about what we would be doing, the opportunities we'll receive/ to come and what is involved in getting the qualification.


After this, we took a tour around the town hall, looking at potential filming areas for our scripts. This really helped me to start forming ideas about my script. It allowed me to create boundaries for what will be possible in the production week, aiding me in narrowing down possible story ideas. I especially liked the orchestra theatre as it presented quite a grand, atmospheric impression that I could see myself filming in.

I also liked the basement and cells as they presented a claustrophobic, dramatic aesthetic that I feel would be really effective if I was to go in the thriller/ horror direction. All the rooms that we are provided with are all very unique and involve different shapes that will create impressive visuals; a key aspect of filmmaking.

Health and Safety

Furthermore, we looked out for any possible health and safety problems with each location, for example, signed warnings, objects obstructing the way, surfaces that could cause harm or damage and stairs which could cause someone to trip and hurt themselves. We also looked at health and safety online. How you can be a victim to bullying, exploitation, manipulation and viruses.

We then progressed to duplicating the sight template and continuing to set it up.